Igniting HOPE to Serve as a Springboard to DIVE-INTO DESTINY
City Dive is a 501c3 organization founded in 2007. The ultimate aim is to strive and obtain strategic positioning to :
Positively Influence the community through relational engagement...
Offer programs that enhance K-8 academic achievement, Teen mentorship & Leadership development, vocational & life-skills training, adult complete health & wellness and community giving events...
Leverage relationships that will result in the adequate equipping of residents in the community...
Assist in the improvement of the quality of life for people living within the community...
Provide community families with a safe, reliable, unconditional source to growth to their fullest...
Serve as the city's largest and most impactful city-wide family resource hub...Linking those in need to life changing community resources through our partners...
Assist in building strong Communities of Men...Role Models who reflect & encourage goodness in others...
Assist and enhance the lives of youth in academics, athletics, Christian life skills and Employment...
Bring the various body parts of Jesus Christ in the city together...Which include: community organizations, City Dive business partners & City Dive faith partners, in UNITY & ONENESS to impact change...change that creates renewal, reformation & Advancement Of The kingdom Of God...
Help All individuals & families in need regardless of race, color or denomination .
And most importantly...Be a resource that brings as many individuals & families to knowing and being lead by Christ as possible...
The Vision of City Dive Inc. is constructed with a very simple ideology:
" Reaching Out To Families & Communities...So God Can Dive In"
We want to impact every life we come into contact with...
A principle from our playbook:
27 "For God wanted them to know that the riches and glory of Christ are for you Gentiles, too. And this is the secret: Christ lives in you. This gives you assurance of sharing his glory"
28 "So we tell others about Christ, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all the wisdom God has given us. We want to present them to God, perfect in their relationship to Christ."
– Colossians 1:27-28
As a unified family, the servant leaders of City Dive Inc. reach out in unconditional love to families & communities in need as representatives of the various body parts of Jesus Christ.
The City Dive Family is dedicated, committed and has a passion that burns bright to giving 110% to our designed assignment as a catalyst which create opportunities for God to DIVE IN to the various lives of all we are privileged to come in contact with to create change.
We strive to influence community positioning that allows God to Dive IN to the hearts of individuals & is then...the revelation of his mighty power that works from within will be realized...At that point...RENEWAL & REAL GENERATIONAL CHANGE can occur.
Our vision can and will be accomplished by applying a few missional goals that can assist in the radical change that can happen within the communities we are called to serve.
These Missional Goals are as follows:
Equip families with tools of empowerment that can assist in the conversion of a community.
Organize as a spiritual community of believers and be committed to show up and serve its residents through the identified needs presented by the community.
Provide resources, tools and training that can holistically address all facets of life for the residents living within the community.
To Engage, Equip and Employ families, through a Christ centered discipleship model, which assist in the renewal of life and sustainability of communities.
All Individuals, Families, Volunteers, Partners & Donors That Engage...
Automatically become A Part Of The CITY DIVE FAMILY...
Unity Is A Reflection Of Heaven...Just Like The Father, The Son & The Holy Spirit Are One...
In the Structure In Which The Lord Builds All Things...Everything In The Kingdom Is based on Family or being One with Our Creator & Each Other...
Our Goal Is To "Be A REFLECTION OF JESUS CHRIST " In Communities...
In purity, patience and kindness; "In the Holy Spirit and in sincere love.
" 2 Corinthians 6:6